Monday, May 16, 2011

Where a new opportunity pushes me to focus on an old resolution...

I think my family is starting to take my ambitions to land on stage seriously. 

My mother was the one to tell me of a great new role that will be cast by an open audition. This might just be the sort of role that will open lots of doors for my career. Should I be cast, of course. 

Which brings me to the resolution. See... the role has an image involved... so... 

In short, I have about 3 stone to lose. But this time I refuse to diet. I'm just going to adapt my lifestyle. Less food, healthier options and more exercise. 

I will definitely not lose all that weight in two weeks, but the first step in the audition process is the submission of photos and c.v. so if I can just lose enough to look great on my pictures, I'll be happy. 

Anything will be better than where I am now. And I plan to keep on losing, because even if I don't get invited to a live audition, I'll still have a great figure to look forward to. 

Anyone else on a diet/lifestyle change?


Anonymous said...

I had to cut sugar from my diet a few years ago (not diabetic, sugar just gives me awful mouth ulcers and then I can't eat anything because of the pain). I tell you what - if you need to lose weight fast cutting sugar from your diet is the way to do it! I could eat all the carbs and fat in the world and not gain weight now :P

Good luck with the lifestyle change! It's hard at first, but soon you won't even remember life being any other way :)

D. U. Okonkwo said...

Hey, Misha - really nice alternative blog. Wow you are stretching yourself, aren't you? Good for you with the diet. I'm looking to change certain things I've got going on, some drastic, not so much. Definitely want my writing to take off. Publishing is such a long slow...process!
Gonna pop over to your other blog now and see what you've got going on there :o)

Janice said...

Good luck Misha - I wish you every success! x

Kimberly Krey said...

Just did a similar thing. Running is my favorite, esp. when I can run outside and not on my boring treadmill. Ever heard of Miracle Noodle? They have zero calories. (I know. I can barely grasp it myself.) They really fill you up, which is all you want out of life while you're dieting. Smother them with your favorite sauce, peppers and onions. I found them at Good Earth health foods store. Good luck! :)

Steph Schmidt said...

I recently cut back on sweets and did stricter portion control. Amazed how quickly I started to loose weight and just feel better. But then I went traveling and it all came back. The discipline is the hard part about portion control. Especially remembering the difference between feeling hungry and thinking you're hungry.

Misha Gerrick said...

Interesting thought, Rebecca, but I think it might be close to impossible for me to cut out ALL sugar in my diet. Loves it too much. :-)

Hey DUO, I'm glad you like it. ;-) I think stretching is good in life. Keeps everything interesting.

Thanks Janice!

Kimberly I love running too, although I sometimes have issues with my ankles on uneven surfaces. Miracle Noodle sounds awesome!

Steph I know what you mean. It's always the little things that catch me. The extra helpings (even small ones). Snacking when I'm not hungry. That sort of stuff. Worst is that I don't always notice it, because it's a build up of small things.