Friday, July 17, 2015

Hi everyone!

I only realized now that I haven't been posting here lately. Sorry about that. I'm just not in a good headspace for writing posts about my life right now.

Particularly, because my life is currently dominated by the day job (which I don't really write about) and my two books' release date (which I'm writing about A LOT for my blog tour.)

So, I'm thinking I'll be very quiet until the tour's over. I'd love to see you there, though! To find out where I am, on any given day, please click here.

Have a great weekend!

And I'll see you soon.


Thursday, July 9, 2015

My Progress for Quarter 2

Hi everyone! I'm a bit late this time around, but I've been doing a lot of grafting to get through all the work needed to publish two books at the same time. But this is how I did. The comments in blue are from Quarter 1. Quarter 2's comments are in blue italics.


I want to finish as many of the following as possible:

(For simplicity’s sake, I’m going to list my projects by the Acronyms I use for them, since that’s what I use on my year planners as well. Also, I haven’t gotten around to revealing some titles yet, and now seems like the wrong time.)


Currently busy with final proofreading and copy-edits. 
Final submissions made. I'm waiting for proof copies so that I can OK the paperbacks.

Currently busy with final proofreading and copy-edits.

Currently busy with penultimate round of copy-edits.
I'll be getting into prepping for publishing in this quarter. I just need to recover from the first two a bit.

Rewrite complete. Awaiting revisions.
I've gone through the book and there's not all that much to revise, so I'll be getting in some critiques soon. I might even do it in July/August.

My Untethered Realms Anthology Short Story.
In for edits.
Feed-back is in. I need to submit for proof-reads at the end of July.

Publishing Edits (possibly for publishing in 2015):

Rewrite Prepped. Had to draft the whole thing again, which is why it's a bit behind. 
I've managed a chapter.

Rough draft in progress. 
Haven't touched this since May. I've literally put everything except my two books for publishing aside.

Revisions and Rough Edits

Rewrite in progress. This is a bit ahead of schedule. 
Now solidly behind schedule.

Still awaiting rewrite. 
And still waiting.


Postponed drafting this until next year, because editing Wo6C1 and 2 kept necessitating me re-drafting Wo6C3, which wasted time. 
No change.

Awaiting rewrite.
No change.

Rough draft complete, but I'm not happy with it, so I'm putting some thought into my concept and plot before drafting it again. 
I'll be doing this concept work this quarter, hopefully.

Awaiting rewrite.
No change.

Rough Drafts (The ones I do by hand):






Haven't started with any of these yet. 
Still haven't started.


I want to read 75 books next year.
18 so far. 
26 so far. I'm way behind because I didn't have time to read much in these past three months.

The minimum amounts of which must consist of:

5 books or plays in a language other than English.
1 so far.
2 so far.

5 plays by Shakespeare
1 so far.
Still only one.

5 classics other than Shakespeare, of which one must be Chaucer.
2 so far. Neither Chaucer. 
Still only 2.

5 non-fiction titles.
4 so far.
Still 4, with the fifth in progress.

5 books by some of my blogging friends.
None yet. Siiiiigh. 
Busy with my seventh.

Social Media:

I seriously need to sort out my Social Media stuff. I haven’t been near active enough last year. What this entails, though, is something I still need to wrap my head around.

Mostly, I'm working on getting back to blogging regularly, visiting blogs and getting out and about on Wattpad. Taking little steps that add up to some sort of whole. 

I've fallen off the wagon a bit the last two weeks while I finalized my publishing submissions, but otherwise, I think I've been doing quite well. Especially on Wattpad, where my main "books" have been ranking on or off for some months.


Help my family build our own house. (Yep, brick by brick.)
This is side-lined for now, since we actually found another house to live in. 
No longer relevant. Long, sordid story.

Sort out some sort of business that I can do on my own terms. (SO over trusting people to help me when they only help themselves at my cost.)
Working on this. Time will tell what pans out, though. 
I'm in fact now working on two businesses, both of which seem to be doing well, although it's hard to be 100% sure when they're so young.

Seriously. I need to get back to singing.
Nothing on this front yet. Life's still a bit rough. 
Still nothing. I'm hoping to still get to this as my life continues to settle back down.

Also, I really really want to paint this year. Other than the above-mentioned house’s walls.
Haven't started one yet, but am busy with some other crafty stuff. 
Nothing new to report here.

Then, I want to continue with my more healthy diet, since it makes me feel good and gives me a lot more energy. (Useful when I’ll be lugging lots of bricks around.)
Yeah this is a bit harder than I thought. Still trying, though.
This I've done almost immediately after my last stock-taking post. 

Last of all, and probably most importantly, I need to get past all the stuff that’s happened this year, so that I can get through 2015 with as little contamination as possible.
Working on this, but it's also pretty dang difficult. 
I seem to be getting there, but sometimes, I get reminded of it, and then I have to chill out all over again.

Overall: I've been making some progress, especially with regards to publishing and my life. I think that especially my businesses are part of the reason why I'm a behind on my writing/editing goals, since my previously free time has largely gone into work. Which isn't a bad thing either. 

How are your goals coming along?