Monday, March 16, 2015

Taking Charge of My Life... Again.

I'm finally back online. Actually, I have been since Friday, but in all the excitement, it wasn't easy to sit down and write this post.

Even now, while everything is relatively quiet. I'm struggling to find the words.

2014 did some serious damage, which led this blog to dwindling to almost nothing. I've written about the reasons for this before, but now I think there's another reason to it too.

See, this blog is about life in general and my life in particular. But for most of 2014, I didn't have a life. 2014 was a rapid succession of various disasters that left me reeling. And before I could recover enough to investigate/think about/write about any of it, the next disaster hit.

In other words, I didn't have a life to write about. It was all survival.

And really, there's nothing wrong with that.

Sometimes things happen in life that are completely beyond our control. Last year was a good example of it. It wasn't like I stopped trying to make things better, but instead that everything I tried made things worse.

Nowadays, it feels like there's a bit of a reprieve. I'm hoping that it's a sign that things are really settling down again. In the meantime, I'm doing all I can to recharge and regain perspective.

I'm not just staying here, though. Now's not the time to sit on my backside and bemoan my fate. I have to fix everything again. Or replace things. It won't be the exact same as before, but that's okay.

It does feel, though, as if now's the time where I have to regain the upper hand over my circumstances once more. I'll be writing about it here.

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Barbara In Caneyhead said...

Life doles out those times to everyone at some point. And the best you can do is hunker down and strive and hope and weather the storm. May 2015 be your year of renewal!
Life & Faith in Caneyhead

Murees Dupè said...

Its wonderful that you are ready to start over. I would have been complaining instead. You are an amazing person. You always come back strong. 2015 will be a much better year for you. Hugs.

Mike Keyton said...

It's good when the pain stops.