Monday, August 12, 2013

Taking a Break

At the moment, I'm mainly exhausted.

I realized lately, that I've been disregarding certain insecurities I have and they've grown to the point where they really affected my life in a bad way.

Thing is, I didn't realize this was happening until things were going far worse than they were supposed to. At least I figured out what was wrong, so now I can start fighting my way back to where I want to be. Right now, though, fighting shadows have left me tired and needing to re-orientate myself.

In between this, I have to focus more on activities that'll help to market my upcoming novel. And on writing more. While finding my center as well.

Doing this while running two blogs just isn't possible. So. I'm putting this blog on a semi-hiatus.

I'll be back, if I have something to say, but I won't be looking for subjects to post about while needing to prioritize other things.

Once I'm back, I'll hopefully have all the perspective I need in order to write about why I need to leave off for now.

Until then, please feel free to say hi at my other blog!


Unknown said...

I'll stay in touch with you on your other blog. In the meantime, good for you for centering and finding your focus.

Unknown said...

Have i told you I love the way you express yourself in writing. I'm sure even your to do list is a fascinating read. LOL

Catch My Words said...

I get this. I hardly ever have time to write these days.

Anonymous said...

It's important to take stock of our priorities. I wish you well!

Catch My Words said...

I don't see how people run multiple blogs. One blog is plenty for me.