Friday, December 7, 2012

Painting again

Mmm... now I feel happy.

It's funny. After doing NaNo in November, I thought I'd spoil myself and do nothing substantial in December.

It rested me, I guess, but it just felt like I'm wasting time, which prevented my full enjoyment of my relaxing time.

Today, though, I finally had time (and the light) required to work on my grandmother's Christmas present. Remember the beach scene I mentioned before?

It's now really starting to look the way I envisaged it. Especially the two figures forming my focal points. I had the devil of a time with some hues and with the figures' arms, but it's such a satisfying feeling to see them coming right.

All in all, the painting has really been performing well. So much so that I hope that all of my landscapes go this well.

And of course, that I don't mess it up in the home stretch.

Anyone else doing any visual arts? Or making Christmas presents?


DL Hammons said...

No visual arts for me...and most of my Christmas presents are bought on-line. I do listen to lots and lots of music to unwind though. :)

Annalisa Crawford said...

I wish I could paint - it must be amazing to see the picture forming the way you imagine it. My husband's grandmother gave us a beautiful lake scene she'd painted and it will always take pride of place! I find if I don't plan to work, that's when my best stuff happens - you just get yourself into a different zone.

Mike Keyton said...

I loved painting when I was younger. I gave all my paintings to my girlfriend, and then we split up. I stopped painting shortly after