Friday, June 22, 2012

How not to freak out when scheduling

I have to admit, when I look at how much I have to get done in a day, it takes a lot of effort for me not to freak out.

I do fun things like color coding it and interspersing fun activities throughout the day, but many colors might not be a good thing when they mean that there are only an hour and a half's worth of white spaces.

Still, I decided to look at my schedule as a prison, I see it as a sort of guide. A reminder of everything I want done. If I'm tired or whatever, about 80% of those colors can go. Often times I double (or triple) book my time slots so that I can do all of them at the same time or pick one if I need to.

As long as I make the time I need for the things I need to do.

It really makes a big difference to think about my schedule like that. Instead of just becoming another source of stress, my way of looking at my schedule turns it into a useful tool.

And I'm seeing the results. Ever since I've visually represented what I need to do in my day, I've gotten more done.

Do you schedule out your day?


Annalisa Crawford said...

I'm so bad a time management, especially on days when I go to the gym because I always walk the 5 mins home to have a shower, but first I have a cup of tea, then I might get caught up emailing. Then I realise I still need a shower, and I'm still in my robe. On gym days, I might not get to write until 1pm... very, very bad!

I tried scheduling on Outlook, but I ignored it!

cleemckenzie said...

I try to schedule, but I'm hopeless. The best technique I've found is to write a list of the most important things to do before I do anything. At least I remember to do those OR not.

For me, sometimes it's just better to forget scheduling and let what happens, happen.

Susan Kane said...

When I was teaching, my days were slotted to the very minute. Now, I have the freedom to do as needed. I really like it.

Unknown said...

I don't currently do anything on a particular schedule, but I really ought start. I'm a horrible procrastinator and I'd probably be more productive if I had something to remind me of what I need to get done or at least a goal for the day. I'm just glad that I'm still an indie author or I'd be in trouble!

DL Hammons said...

My schedule is actually pretty rigid (on weekdays). I work from 6-4:30. On M,W,TH I work out for 90 minutes. I come home for lunch every day and that is when I do 1/2 my blogging, and the other half is at night. I'll divide up my four hours of night time between blogging/writing/and watching TV. There is an occasional sprinkling of soccer practices here and there, but that's pretty much my week.

Weekends are another story. If I'm writing a book, I'm at my PC all weekend long! :)

Roland D. Yeomans said...

Like DL, work structures my schedule a great deal since it bleeds into 7 days straight of work. Prioritizing is a must when I'm doing solo duty at the blood center: STAT's, ASAP's, stock, and blood drives.

So when my few days off come without being on-call, the scheduling goes out the window: I sleep in, take in a movie, and otherwise heal from the constant vigilance!

Thanks for visiting my post today! Roland

Marianne (Mare) Baker Ball said...

I love schedules! Lists, order, organization...I'd been in a loony bin without them. Things intervene at times, but I can be flexible. Just finding your post..thanks for stopping by mine. :-)

Christie Wright Wild said...

I don't make a schedule that says from 8-10 I'll blog, then from 10-12 I'll critique, then from 12-2 e-mail. My "schedule" is more of a to-do list. I try to put the one thing that would give me the most satisfaction of completion at the top and get it done first, even if it's the hardest and longest. If I can't get it done in one day, I break it down into smaller tasks. Over time, the project is completed, and boy do I ever feel good about it!