Monday, March 19, 2012

Back at the office

I'm quickly rattling off this post while waiting for something to do.

So far I haven't yet really gotten everything fitted into my schedule yet, but I'm working on it.

In the mean time,

I'm waking up earlier so that I can get edits done, because that's what takes the most concentration at that stage.

After that, everything else just has to fall into place.

In the mean time, I'm thinking that it might be a good idea to go through the A-Z challenge list while waiting for phone calls etc. Because that doesn't take as much concentration.

Sometime later this afternoon, I'm hoping to get some writing done.

Otherwise, there's not a lot of news.

What are you planning to do today?


cleemckenzie said...

Just about the same. It's all about time, isn't it?

cleemckenzie said...

Just about the same. It's all about time, isn't it?

Unknown said...

Trying to get out from under the mountain of e-mail, etc. from being disconnected for a week. Hopefully write and run some errands this afternoon?

Really stopped by to say thanks for the words of support you left on my blog. They were truly appreciated during a tough family time. I believe we must continually move forward in life, or we aren't living at all. You (and all the others) have helped me with that, and I'm ever so grateful.


Pat Hatt said...

Doing a whole lot of writing as I do every day, other than that just crummy work.

Ruth said...

I am trying to get through the A-Z list, but I never seem to have enough time. Slowly but surely...

J.L. Campbell said...

Started with some editing today, but didn't get much done. Also need to go down the A-Z list, but again, time is in short supply.

Talei said...

I'm planning to write a blog post today. It's now 8:39PM. I will get there. Good luck with A to Z this year, not sure I can do it but I'll be reading everyones posts. :-)

Peaches Ledwidge said...

Much to do with little time.

Theresa Milstein said...

What a lovely new profile picture!

I wrote my "N" for A to Z today. I hope to be ready by 04/01. We'll see...

T. Powell Coltrin said...

I went to work. Came home at lunch and wrote. Went back to work and then after went to buy a new mower battery. Then I mowed my yard and THEN wrote for a couple of hours.

Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Susan Kane said...

My day was all about searching for something. Reminded me of "If you give a mouse a cookie..." I would look in one place, find something else, start on a different quest. So now my house is in a mess, I still did not find the original item.

Real Exams said...

Have a Great time!

Real Exams said...

Keep working. Hopefully, you will have a Great time!