One of the things that suffers most is my reading.
Anything else that I do involve me leaving the house, so there's a certain routine involved with it, but with reading, I use the exact same spaces as my writing. And sadly, if it comes down to a choice between the two, I'll pick writing every time.
At the same time, I know that reading is very good for me and my writing. In fact, it's so important to me that I put it as one of my goals for 2012. I want to read more.
And I have at least twenty books waiting for me.
So... I'm thinking I should do something on this blog that will motivate me to read more.
Anyone have any suggestions?
You could do a weekly (or semi-monthly) book review on your blog. Even if it's an old book that you're reading or re-reading... pick a day a couple times a month to post your thoughts about whatever you just finished reading. I also like to keep a running list of the books I read on my blog. But my problem is that I choose reading over writing most days... so... there are two sharp edges to that sword ;)
Good luck!
I agree with the weekly book review idea. Also, have you considered audiobooks? I used to dislike them, but I've been listening to them in my car on the 45min commute each way to work and it's a great way to finish a book a week without ever having to sacrifice writing time.
This is a good idea. If you're a member of, they also have a thing where you can tell yourself how many books you want to read in 2012, then it keeps track for you. But I also like this - make it part of your blog. It'll force you to read. :)
Reviews are a great motivation. I make a list of books that I want to read and then I narrow that list down to what I REALLY want to read.
I also joined a book club recently, so the pressure's on to read by a deadline. I like to sound semi-intelligent when we meet to discuss the book. I get a lot of new ideas from the group and that helps me with my reviews.
Good luck with your motivation.
If you don't want the responsibilities that come with the review, e.g an expectation develops around it, why don,t you join a reading challenge. There are lovely ones for books you haven't gotten to on you shelf and you can tackle as many or as little as you want in a month.
Oh, I joined some so I can send you links for choice if you want.
Hi again! Just wanted you to know you've been tagged over at
Come and play.
I'm a little careful about doing reviews, because they can have a big (and negative) impact on my writing career. But keeping track of the books I read might be a good idea.
Audiobooks might be an option to consider. :-)
Hmmm... I wonder if maybe I should give a book club a try? But I don't know where to find one. :-/
Sounds good. If I can't fix my reading on my own, I'll contact you.
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